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SomeWhat Strange is an alternative clothing label based in Sydney. 

 Every single item we sell here is made from 100% recycled fabric and wherever possible we reuse zippers, buttons and anything else we can. 
 There is enough fabric in this world already without churning out more at the cost of our environment. fff.gif
 Anything you buy from here is a massive 'Fuck You' to those unscrupulous clothing corporations that put profit above all else, polluting this planet, exploiting workers and generally doing what they like to satisfy their greed. 
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Please note, in an attempt to not be one of those people who constantly has their face glued to their phone, I only look at my email and socials twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
I know the clothes on here are beautiful and you just can't wait to get your hands on them, but please understand that the less time I spend looking at a screen, the more time I can spend making these little gems for you.
 So, if you are one of those people who expect an answer immediately then maybe this isn't the clothing store for you, go to boohoo or somewhere where they have a dedicated team of people whose sole purpose in life is to answer your question before you have even finished typing it.

Thank you for your understanding. 

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